Company Profile

UZKOM Mühendislik San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Has been found in the year of 1999 to produce “space frame systems” and “steel construction structures” .

With the experience coming from bacground and specialist technical staff “UZKOM” makes the project, the production and the installation of the space frame roof, the fabricated steel construction structures and the roof coverings.

Our aim is to establish in the companies which produce on the national and international standarts and to serve to inland and international markets.

Best Regards, - Uzkom Mühendislik Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Şti.


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Uzkom Mühendislik Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Şti.
Altayçeşme, Hikmet Sk. No:3a, 34843 Maltepe/İstanbul
Telephone : 0 216 457 76 90 - 91 | Fax : 0 216 457 76 92