Technical Informations / Uzay Kafes Sistem Avantajları

Space frame systems are three-dimensional structures which are constructed by connecting straight tubular struts to each others with the use of solid spherical hubs. These systems carry loads by axial forces. The conic parts are welded to the strut edges and the struts are connected by spherical hubs.

Some of the advantages of space frames are described below:
  • Because of the space frame systems are three-dimensional structures which work in two direction, for large spans it provides economical solutions.
  • It is possible to cover spans up to 100 m. without any columns by using space frame systems.
  • They provide a great flexibility in the selection of support locations and allows to apply for different geometrical shapes / areas.
  • The design / manufacture / installation process is completed in a very short interval due to the use of prefabricated components. It gives a big opportunity to the customer to start his production.
  • Transporting to far distances is easy due to the use of prefabricated components.
  • Space frame systems are lighter than traditional steel and reinforced concrete structures. Therefore, it provides significant economy in foundation costs.
  • Space frame systems are the most useful structures for the earth-quake areas due to their light unit weight.
  • It is not necessary to cover by suspended ceilings because of its aesthetic appearance.
  • Additional structures to support the heating, ventilating, electrical and other systems are not required for space frame structures.
  • Because of the aesthetic attribute, space frames are very suitable for glass or policarbonate skylights.
  • It provides various alternative solutions in architectural areas for complex geometrical shapes (pyramid, triangle, dome, barrel vault e.t.c.)

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Uzkom Mühendislik Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Şti.
Altayçeşme, Hikmet Sk. No:3a, 34843 Maltepe/İstanbul
Telephone : 0 216 457 76 90 - 91 | Fax : 0 216 457 76 92